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Sl.No. Name Address Date of Birth Qualification Profession Designation Photo
1. Basudam Halder Vill-Ampole, P.O- Gazipur, P.S- Kulpi, Dist- South 24 Pgs 16.08.1975 B.A Social Worker President
2. Sujit Naskar Vill-Raghunathpur, P.O- Bireswarpur, P.S- Mandir Bazar, Dist- South 24 Pgs 16.06.1986 B.A Social Worker Vice-President
3. Goutam Naskar Vill-Raghunathpur, P.O- Bireswarpur, P.S- Mandir Bazar, Dist- South 24 Pgs 02.02.1977 H.S Social Worker Secretary
4. Debashish Tanti Vill- Chhakurat, P.O- Bidyadharpur, P.S- Mandir Bazar, Dist- South 24 Pgs 01.01.1989 Eight-Passed Social Worker Asst-Secretary
5. Mithu Naskar Vill-Raghunathpur, P.O- Bireswarpur, P.S- Mandir Bazar, Dist- South 24 Pgs 02.02.1978 B.A Social Worker Treasurer
6. Shibnath Halder Vill- Dhopahat, P.O- Dhopahat- Krishnapur, P.S- Mandir Bazar, Dist- South 24 Pgs 05.08.1998 H.S Social Worker Member
7. Susama Pramanik Vill- Dhopahat, P.O- Dhopahat- Krishnapur, P.S- Mandir Bazar, Dist- South 24 Pgs 21.01.1994 B.A Social Worker Member
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