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Welcome To
Raghunathpur Nabajagaran Society
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Welcome To
Raghunathpur Nabajagaran Society
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Welcome To
Raghunathpur Nabajagaran Society
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We, are a non-governmental organization (NGO) engaged with sustainable rural development activities- at the grass-roots level-being non-profit seeking, apolitical and non-religious in nature.

What We do:

Relentlessly intervening in sustainable rural developmental activities-under various paradigms of social-service sectors-at the grass-roots level.

Where We Work:

At Sundarban impact zone(the largest deltaic region in the World; Heritage site as declared by UNESCO) falling in South 24-Parganas district of West Bengal, India.

Provide a helping hand

We can’t make it alone. We need your help. Your small help can bring a big change.


Educated Children from sum of India

Provide shelter to Syrian war victims

Provide drinking water to people of Africa

We need you and your help

It’s impossible to help people without people helping others. We always need volunteer who love to help.
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